"" From Now Till 'I Do'...: A different path?

A different path?

Tonight at worship team practice, one of our ice breakers was the following question:

“If you could do over your life again, what would you do differently? It doesn’t have to be God related, could be vocation, behaviour etc…”

What a great question! My answer…

01. I would have spent a year studying abroad. I have seen how enriching it has been in my brother’s life, the people he has met and how it has opened his eyes to the world. He has matured so much and it has definitely been a positive experience.

02. I would chose a different career path. Over the last few years, my skills set has developed and I am now much clearer as to where my true vocation lies.

03. I would not care about the opinions of others or try to seek approval from people before making decisions. Life is not about people pleasing.

04. I would listen to the advice of those people who have been there, done that. They are placed in your life for a reason.

Only God knows where my life would be if I had taken a different path or made different decisions. But what I do know is that I am where He wants me to be right now and I am going to make the most of every opportunity that presents itself. My path led me to Mr E and I would never ever want to change that.

Life isn’t about regrets or about dwelling on the past because everything happens for a reason to make you into the person that God wants you to be.

If you could do over life again, what would you do differently?


  1. Gosh, for me, that question opens up a big can of worms. There is sooooo much I wish I could undo and redo. So, so much. Sometimes, I just sit and regret so many wrong choices I made, and I wish I could go back in time. I have learned a lot from my mistakes, of course, but I wish I had learned them from someone else.

  2. If I could go back in time I would have asked people for advice before making some decisions. Lol (that's the best answer I can come up with for now).

  3. If I could go back... I'll abstain

  4. If I could go back I would want to undo some of the things I did to hurt other people.

  5. Cool post Chichi. I do wonder though, do you think a different path would still have led you to Mr E. Is it not destiny? I've been involved in lots of conversations about this and still dont know the answer or whether there is one, for that matter.So I dont suggest you know the answer either, just an interesting thought.

    Was looking forward to Weekend Wedding love :)! happy bank holiday!

  6. @Seun - very good point and one I will talk about next week.

    p.s. Weekend Wedding Love is on its way - it has been a manic wkd!

  7. If I could go back in time, I would not have gotten involved in some relationships, said some things, surrounded myself with some different friends, and sought more advice before making certain decisions.

    However, I once heard a message by Dr. Okey Onuzo that although the path we start off in life may not be what God has planned for us several times, the path we choose intertwines with that He would have had us take and those are the key decisions points in our life.

    The sad portion, he said, is that at the end of the day some people will weep when they see how God might have taken them.

    For me, the path is not always easy but for several years now, my motto has been God's plans for me are for good and not for evil. I consistently ask God to show me what He would have me do and although it may not be easy, He should give me the Grace....

  8. @Inspector Gadget - how beautifully put. I totally agree. Oh to have a time machine!


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