"" From Now Till 'I Do'...: 6 ways to be influential women in marriage

6 ways to be influential women in marriage

A while back I read the book 'The Man Whisperer’ by Rick Johnson. A thought provoking book if ever I saw one. It made me realise just how influential we woman can be in our marriages.
Here are 6 areas the book tells us that we can be influential as women in our relationships:

1. Encourage other men in his life
How often than not, do we mix with other couples. We should develop relationships with wives of good men. Iron sharpens iron and we become like the people we surrounded ourselves with.

2. Encourage spiritual leadership
This can be done through prayer, asking him to say grace, asking him spiritual questions, encouraging retreats.

3. Help him to be a better dad
As a wife, you are his greatest asset as a father. Provide him with information about the emotional lives and challenges of your children that he would not be aware of without your support. Also edify him as  a father and leader in the home – this is hugely powerful in garnering the respect of his children. As wives you are an excellent barometer to help him gauge how well he is doing as a father. He needs to know what the needs of his children are and when does something well.

4. Dream with your husband
Ask him about his dreams. Encourage him to discover something he is passionate about. Ask the questions ‘If time and money were no object, what would you want to spend the rest of your life doing?’. Even if he never acts on his dreams, it is important for a man to have them.

5. Watch out for his health
When he is sick, make sure he goes to the doctor. You want him with you for a long time! We all know what men are like with ‘man-flu’, so when he’s sick, nurture him – TLC is a good remedy. Make sure he eats a healthy diet, nutritious food is in his best interest of his long term health.
Make sure he regularly takes scheduled time off work – holidays and time away from work keep him falling into health risk. Remind him that whilst you appreciate his hard work and all the hours he puts in at the office, you want to spend time with him even more.

6. Pray with and for your husband
Pray for his work, that it will be productive and fulfilling to him. Pray for the temptations he will face {lust, stealing, cheating, compromising of principles – it all starts with small steps}
Pray for wisdom and discernment. Wisdom can help your husband in all aspects of his life. The wiser he becomes, the more benefits the family reaps as a whole.
Thanks God for providing you with a good man. Whatever his faults he loves you so much and he would be willing to give his life for you. Be grateful for what you have. 

Pray that God would show me how best to love, nurture and support my husband as part of a team. Lord, bind us together in a strong, satisfying marriage relationship. Amen



  1. Uuuuhmmm great tips Chichi.
    We have a saying in my mother tongue which translates to 'A wife/woman makes a home'. I believe that as women we need to play active roles for the betterment our marriages and families together with our husbands.

  2. Wise tips, the wife's role is very important. God give us wisdom...

  3. @Shona - that saying is very similar to Proverbs 14:1 'A wise woman builds her home'. The role of a wife is massive.

    @Jaycee - men do like to dream and we need to show support for those dreams even if we don't necessarily agree or if he doesn't act on it.

    @Loves Blogs - amen!


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