"" From Now Till 'I Do'...: Disjointed life

Disjointed life

They say that getting married, moving house and changing jobs are one of the top three stressful things to happen in your life and that's separately. So imagine them happening simultaneously. This is my life right now.

Making adjustments post marriage, well things have just been busy. Living out of a suitcase while navigating my way through new roles and responsibilities {personally and professionally}, undertaking multiple house viewings...life feels so unsettled.

I haven't had much access to the internet since we got back, hence why you haven't seen in post in over a week. This post is a Blackberry special, so excuse typos and such like! I haven't even updated Facebook with pictures from our Nigeria trip which friends keep asking to see or collected our wedding gifts from our Gift Registry, which goes to show how busy and disjointed life is at the moment.

I am not complaining by any means because I have a lot to be thankful for. I love my new job and I relish being able to see Mr E every day which might not seem like a big deal, but it is for us.

But...and its a big but...I just want to reach a period of stability. A time where I can wake up every morning and look across the bed to see my husband and eat breakfast together, where that bed is our bed in our own house and that food is our food, from our own kitchen. Not the hotel, which as 'nice' as it is, is just not quite home.


  1. God will bring to pass your heart desire very soon Chichi. It is well. I shall put you in prayers :)


  2. You will find stability, just give yourself a few months, you'll see.

  3. Hope you find stability soon. May God be your strength.
    Thanks for the update, was missing you!!!

  4. babe, its just a matter of time...things will fall into place gradually.

  5. Things will fall into place, don't stress out about anything, just take it all one step at a time.

  6. Hahaha Things would shape up soon...
    Have fun!!!


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