"" From Now Till 'I Do'...: Weekly Word: Who really owns it?

Weekly Word: Who really owns it?

weekly word 

At work I am provided with a company car. With it I don’t have to worry about maintenance, insurance or tax. The only thing that is my concern is ensuring that there is diesel to drive it.

A couple of weeks ago I drove over a screw and punctured the back tire. I called up Driver Support and they told me to take the car to my local Kwik Fit garage for repair, which I did. When it came for payment, the mechanic said me I don’t have to pay anything as the car belongs to my company and they will cover it.

This story is very much similar to life. Everything we have on this earth, everything we have been given, everything we think we have earned, does not belong to us. It all belongs to God.

We are merely stewards.

How well do we really understand this concept?

Take tithing for example, we say, well 10% belongs to God 90% belongs to me. Wrong. 100% belongs to God, he is allowing us to keep 90%. Pretty generous if you ask me! It is through His graciousness that He allows us to have it all.

“The earth and everything on it belong to the LORD. The world and its people belong to him.” Psalm 24:1

Very often I forget this. I strive to get this or to get that or I worry about how something will be provided for when I shouldn’t really concern myself because everything belongs to Him and he will distribute to me what I need, at the right time.

“Look at the birds in the sky! They don't plant or harvest. They don't even store grain in barns. Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them. Aren't you worth more than birds?” Matthew 6:26

The world judges success based on your wealth and material possessions. But God does not…

“People judge others by what they look like, but I judge people by what is in their hearts." 1 Samuel 16:7

Therefore we should always take comfort in knowing that God will always provide. 

How often do we try to find security by how much money is in our bank account or joy when we buy that “must have” item? When you use physical or material items to meet the need of an emotional or spiritual need then that is when there is a problem. We should not define our worth by our possessions, because nothing we have belongs to us.

This wedding…God has and will continue to provide. If I tell you the ways He has opened doors and granted us favour you will be amazed. We thank God for his provision and continue to trust Him. We have to remind ourselves daily that it all belongs to Him.

So if everything belongs to Him what is our concern? Well the bible tells us to

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need”. Matthew 6:33

So let us concern ourselves with His business and He will take care of our business!

Further reading - Luke 18:18-29

Happy Thursday! Stay Blessed.



  1. Nice. I like a certain aura of your blog. Not sure what it is yet. ...Hm, Idk. But I enjoyed this post. So true. I too (and don't we all!) have to learn to let it go and not find joy or try to replace God with teh small stuff. Either through praising it, or sweating it. thanks ;)



  2. very well written, thanks for all the reminders.

  3. babe, i sent you an email at info@fromnowtillido.com...

    Thanks for this piece!

  4. Thank you. I needed to hear this

  5. Truth, truth and some more truth! Loved this piece! Congratulations and good luck for your big day, I'm pretty sure its going to be AMAZING! God bless.

  6. Very true, God has the 100% and allows us to keep 90%, even yet people are still so selfishi with the 10%. Thanks for sharing, will send you some posting sooner. Hope wedding planning going great.

  7. newest biggest fan :)17 June 2010 at 20:01

    oh Chichi, you are so blessed!
    this was "word in season"

    All the best and CONGRATULATIONS on your big day.

    I pray that God perfects you in His goodness and love, in Jesus' name, amen.

  8. This word was very timely... I'm glad God has opened doors for you, This is only the beginining. That's what happen when you give 100% to God. Also important to note that giving to God is also about the intent of our hearts as you quoted from Samuel. =)

  9. "Therefore we should always take comfort in knowing that God will always provide"

    That is the word I need right now and at this moment. I am blessed by this post; how it helps remind me that all things belong to God and He gives it willingly. I really should stop fretting o. Thanks Chichi.

    - LDP

  10. "Therefore we should always take comfort in knowing that God will always provide"

    That is the word I need right now and at this moment. I am blessed by this post; how it helps remind me that all things belong to God and He gives it willingly. I really should stop fretting o. Thanks Chichi.

    - LDP

  11. Hey Chi chi... You will probably like this song you can find it on Youtube called "He wants it all" by forever Jones...




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