"" From Now Till 'I Do'...: Dealing with the extras

Dealing with the extras

So RSVPs are still rolling in, despite the 4th June deadline. To be honest, with the delay in getting the invites out, the deadline was unofficially extended by a week or so.  However some people have contacted us to say they still haven't received their invites, which has been a little frustrating given that they were sent in the same batch with people who have received theirs and have sent in their RSVP. Royal Mail - Get it together!!!

We’ve also heard reports about certain people asking why they weren’t invited. You just can’t win. We would have liked to invited everyone, but it’s not possible practically or financially.

Reading Amy's post from yesterday, I totally feel her pain about uninvited guests and people who RSVP late. We have spent many hours deliberating back and forth, how we can tackle this problem in a professional and efficient way. I mean, come on… how can someone decide not to show up at the church, just so that they can get a good table at the reception! What is the day supposed to be about? My dad has already advised one his friends who said they were going to do that, that they will be disappointed as that is not how we will roll {well he didn’t use those words, but you catch my drift}.

Also how difficult is it to say that you are coming to an event? There are many channels available to do it, whether it be online, by post, telephone or text but still ten days out, some people haven’t said anything.

In addition, our guest list appears to be growing daily. My dad printed the invites so in effect, my parents have a never ending supply of them and every day I learn of new people who have been added to the guest list. Fortunately our caterer is not charging per head, but I still worry about the capacity in our venue, having enough food and gatecrashers. We know people will try it, so we have had to think like a ‘gatecrasher’ and prepare for every eventuality.

One of the things we have decided to do is to allocate seating. We plan to have our Ushers and Hostess, AND security checking people’s names off the list. It’s the only way to ensure some sort of order. Yes I know at this late stage that it will be a big task to undertake, but my Aunty and Uncle have agreed to assist with this and we feel it is absolutely necessary to ensure that the people who were invited and have respectfully given a response to say that they are coming, are guaranteed a seat and taken care of. Those not in that position will unfortunately have to wait to be seated. We want to ensure that our guests are given first priority, which is only fair I think!




  1. I agree with you. I think it's very inconsiderate for people not to RSVP to an event as big as a wedding and then show up anyway. Having assigned seating is a good idea. Also, to take the stress of you for a bit you can have someone else like your maid of honor be in charge of tallying the headcount and preparing a final guest list a couple days before the wedding. Just a suggestion, but it'd be one less thing for you to worry about :)

  2. Chi Chi this post hits home with me because as you mentioned in your blog I am going through the same exact thing! You are very lucky your caterer doesn't charge by head and that you will have security helping to make sure invited guests are seated. Your wedding is going to be fabulous!

  3. Hey Chichi- I think you are going the right route by having ushers and security. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for you not to have people rsvp- such a simple task and yet... anyway, all the best for your big day and just try not to stress yourself too much. Hope you have have a FANTASTIC time! All the best.

  4. make sure "Bloggers" is on the list o., :)
    wow..God's grace is available for you day by day as you prepare..
    all the best..

  5. Lol. Don't worry the day will come and go, and you'll be fine. Try to keep to you and your fiance's original list. But also remember to add close people that you genuinely forgot. There has to be that nice balance :)

  6. I agree with your plan to make sure the people who were invited and who RSVPed get a seat.

    That's amazing that you found a caterer who doesn't charge per head! How common is that?

  7. Your plan sound good abt the ushers....but u know how naija pple are, even in the UK.
    I'll advice that u do ur best and dont let anyone or anything stress u on that ur WEDDING DAY abt getting seat or food....

  8. Your plan sounds fine to me! Try not to stress...especially with the rsvps, many ppl neva follow thru but show up anyway.

  9. Having security is a bit much, at the end of the day people just want to rejoice with you.

  10. I completely agree with your plan. I'm already thinking of doing the same when I have a wedding to plan of my own.


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