God is always on the alert, constantly on the look out for people who are totally committed to him.
You were foolish to go for human help when you could have had God’s help. Now you’re in trouble.
2 Chronicles 16:9
In the book of Chronicles we read the story of King Asa who found himself in a bit of a bind with the King of Israel and rather than go to God for help he decided to rely on his own actions.
King Asa wasn’t a bad person, in fact in verse 2 of the same chapter, it says that he was a ‘good king’ and ‘did things right in God’s eyes’. Previously when faced with opposition he committed it to God and God delivered him.
However as soon as he stopped trusting God and decided to take action into his own hands, things started to go wrong for him and he started to lose battles. You would have thought that Asa would have learned his lesson but in verse 12, the bible tells us ‘he was crippled by a severe foot disease, but even then he did not turn to the Lord for help, but to the doctors’. Two years later he died.
Do you find yourself looking for help in the wrong places?
How many times have you attempted to fix a problem or situation without bringing it before God first.
Are you seeking God’s help in all things or are you attempting to help yourself.
God will stick with you as long as you stick with him. If you look for him he will let himself be found; but if you leave him he’ll leave you’ {2 Chronicles 15:2}
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