"" From Now Till 'I Do'...: This Proverbs 31 women, is she for real?

This Proverbs 31 women, is she for real?

When you read about the Proverbs 31 woman, how do you feel? I know in the past I have read it and been like ‘whoa, is she for real?’. Other times I read it and walk away feeling really inspired, ‘how can I be more like her’.

Earlier in the week, I listened to a teaching by Josh Harris, as part of his Proverbs series, titled ‘The Women of Valour’ and I got to view Proverbs 31 in a completely new light. He focused on four characteristics of the valiant women, in order of importance:

  • She fears God
  • She gives her life away
  • She is capable
  • She is influential

Proverbs 31 is a ‘joyful expression of womanly excellence, resourcefulness and skill’ and Josh says we should approach it with humility and faith. Humility in the fact that we recognise that it’s not all about me and God is already aware of my weaknesses and deficiencies already and by faith, knowing that God has good for me in his Word and there is a joy and blessing that come as you study his Word.

When we read any passage in the Bible, there are two questions we should ask ourselves:

1. What effect does God want this passage to have on me?

2. What does he want to accomplish through it?

Over the next week, I hope to talk through what I got out of this teaching and practical ways to apply it daily life.


Options for you…

    1. A godly woman knows and fears the Lord. Is there anything you are living for--personal success, a husband, your children, etc.--more than you are living for God and His Kingdom?
    2. Josh taught us that the Proverbs 31 woman is capable. How can this chapter stir godly ambitions for the Lord?
    3. As Josh taught, the Proverbs 31 woman gives her life away. Is there need around you that the Lord is calling you to help meet?
    4. Concerning godly womanhood, are you following what the world values or are you valuing what God says is praiseworthy?
    5. In what one Proverbs 31 quality would you like to grow?
    6. Men, how can you encourage, cherish and honour the values of womanhood described in Proverbs 31?

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow...u once wrote about the proverbs 31 woman...

    Great minds...wot can I say?...lol


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