"" From Now Till 'I Do'...: Lists



Right now my life revolves around lists.

To do lists

To buy lists

People to call lists

Things to finish before I leave work lists

The list goes on.

I have recently found that if I don’t write something down I forget it. If an event is not in my diary it doesn’t exist.

Even when I am talking I often just lose my train of thought mid sentence. So strange and so not like me at all.

Apparently this is very common in pregnancy.

I'm wondering how soon after pregnancy things will return back to ‘normal’.


  1. Lol. The forgetful bug has hit you. It is common with pregnancy.

  2. Oh gosh another side effect of pregnancy? Nah wa o...women try! Thanks for sharing the knowledge!

  3. Ehya... it is well with you. Yes, "the faintest ink is better than the sharpest brain", they say...

    - LDP

  4. I heard about this too, and that it never fully comes back, the memory that is. Get used to writing things down :)

  5. @Okeoghene - it has hit me hard!

    @Blessing - the list of pregnancy side effects is long!

    @LDP - thanks

    @Myne - Did not know that!

  6. Yes it is very common and also postpartum :) Though it is not evidenced based but rather experience based.

  7. Ugh? Pregnancy leads to temporary memory loss? lol

    Muse Origins

  8. I actually do have my to do list also. Just thinking that I might not forget important details.


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