"" From Now Till 'I Do'...: Showers of love

Showers of love

Baby Shower

Saturday was my baby shower hosted by my wonderful friend, Mrs G. 

It was a lovely day and I got to see friends and family I hadn’t seen in a while.

We played games, ate great food, shared lots of advice and prayed over the little one.

Baby Shower

There was lots of love in the room!

Baby Shower

Baby E is so blessed already. I am so grateful for my community.

Baby Shower

Mrs G, me,  my sis and Mrs O

Best bits of advice (I can remember!)

- don’t forget your husband and be sure to get him involved. Try and have time out for the two of you – which God willing we should be able to do as my MIL will be on hand to help

- don’t compare your baby to others, your child is unique

- it is not my responsibility to raise this child, in as much as God will help and provide us with all the tools needed to raise her as we should. Children are gift from God and we are merely caretakers.

- God gives you grace for every season

- don’t be a superwoman – yes the house is dirty, nobody will die – no mummy guilt!

- babies are more resilient than you think!

- use the community around you – many people will offer up their help – don’t be afraid to use it

A big thank you to all who came, we appreciate you!

* I am behind on my vlogs – life has been busy, but I promise to do an update this week!


  1. congrats! looks like a lovely event!

  2. congrats! looks like a lovely event!

  3. woo hoo! glad u had loads of fun


  4. Aww those were nice and true nuggets of advice.

  5. Looks like fun. Can't wait to hear your birth story.

  6. congrats chichi, lots of fun!

  7. Yay for baby showers. It's so nice to know that other people care deeply for your unborn child!


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