"" From Now Till 'I Do'...: 3 months in...

3 months in...

Thank you for all your comments on my birth story. It was good to finally finish it. Being able to reminisce was actually quite therapeutic, allowing me to process again what happened. Even Afam said it took him back, being able to re-live the course of events.

11 weeks into motherhood and the learning process continues. Baby girl is now a lot more interactive and to be honest I am finding her a lot more entertaining than when she was a sleepy newborn. She laughs and coos a lot and you actually feel like you’re having a conversation, although an interpreter is needed to make out what she is saying!

Compared to the early days where I genuinely felt like 'what are we doing!?’, these days we are pretty good at reading her cues and are currently trying to get her into a routine.

Motherhood is teaching me a lot about patience and sacrifice and I am learning to draw strength and wisdom from God and His Word.

What is your favourite thing about motherhood and what encourages you? 


  1. Oh my. She is too cute for words. Gosh! The resemblance is uncanny.

    Re: your question - I wish I could help you there because I actually really suck at that. I'll check back and see what your other commenters say :)

    1. You think? So many people say she looks like my husband lol!

  2. she is lovely.

  3. i was listening to a podcast on my way to work this morning about being the best mum for your child. and the lady speaking said there is an art and science to being a mum and there isnt one way to being the best mum. She said God has given us the resources to parent our children the best way...

    She also said the assurance is in knowing God knew before he gave you your child that you will be the best person to parent him/her hence we should trust in him. That really encouraged me cuz I feel I miss it plenty times with Bionic (Princess) but I am encouraged that since God gave her to me I am the best mother for her and he will guide me on the right parenting path just for her.

    Hope that helps a bit :)

    1. Yeh it does. Do you have a link to the podcast please, would love to listen to it.

  4. One thing a midwife said to me (which I did take we with a pinch of salt though!) is there's no such thing as a good baby, but rather a good mother&father! So as long as you're baby is happy, smiling and growing well then you're obviously doing the right things. And besides, we're first time mums! It's okay to make a few mistakes here and there, the most important thing is we learn from them... At least that's my motto :-)

  5. Great job ChiChi she is your replica :)


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