"" From Now Till 'I Do'...: What went down: Birth Story Part One

What went down: Birth Story Part One

Where has the time gone. Err hello April! My little princess has reached the two month milestone and gone past it (she’s now 10 weeks – 5 in the picture above).

In that time she has changed so much from the little newborn we first met. She is sleeping less than she used to and is now giving us lots of smiles and laughs which is fun to watch. My mother in law left at the end of February, so this past month we have been learning to figure things as our little family of three.  

I have been wanting to share my birth story for weeks, but finding the time to sit down and write it has been tough. I have recalled the story to many people who have asked, but putting it down into words hasn’t been easy. It’s not like I have forgotten what happened, quite the opposite. I didn’t want to forget anything and whilst I know there will be parts of it I won’t remember (have to rely on hubby for those moments) the bits I do remember I have recorded.

Equally my birth story played out completely different to how we planned or envisaged. At the time this was very frustrating but the end result was the same and I couldn’t be happier with little miss s.

So anywhoo…let’s begin.

So my due date was 19.01.2012. That day came and went and I was bummed.

The previous Monday I went for my 39 week midwife appointment. She did the usual checks and told me to return the following Monday (40 + 4) if nothing had happened, at which point she would perform a membrane sweep. Secretly I hoped and prayed that I would NOT be seeing her the following Monday. 

I knew that few babies actually come on their due date but I was hoping that she would make an appearance on time. Whilst I enjoyed being pregnant, towards the end I was getting bored waiting. My MIL had arrived and it seemed that each day that passed with no baby was a wasted day. I really wanted her to have as much time with the baby as possible.

The following Saturday, I was busy doing things around the house but noticed that I was feeling reduced fetal movements. Since the fall two weeks prior I was conscious to make sure I felt her move every day. Before calling the hospital I did all the usual things to get her to move, however it was limited and not normal, so I spoke to the hospital and they told me to come in.

At the hospital they hooked me up to the monitor and watched me for an hour. Thankfully she was looking fine and was moving around as she should. The midwife was happy and said I could go home.

As I was already past my due date, before we left I asked the midwife whether she would be able to perform the membrane sweep today, rather than wait until Monday, maybe it would speed things along. She agreed and off we went home.

The next day (Sunday) hubby and I decided to go for a super long walk around our neighbourhood. Now this walk was long! We were out for over an hour and here’s me 40 weeks plus waddling about but it felt good to be doing something.

That night at 11:30pm my water’s broke.

{Now folks, I was always concerned about this whole water breaking thing 1. where would it happen and 2. would I know it was happening. Let’s just say I’m so glad I was at home and there was no mistaking it was my water’s breaking.}

Excited I called the hospital who told me to come in the following morning for confirmation.

I went back to bed filled with anticipation. Little did I know that this was the start of many trips to the hospital.

To be continued…


  1. Really enjoyed reading, pls don't delay the part 2

  2. Your lil girl looks so sweet! I really hope her and Abby get to play together one day. Looking forward to reading the rest of your birth story mama!

    1. An international play date would be cool! It's so funny how similar our lives have played out!

  3. Party two please and oh my goodness, I just read the fall post. Oh my goodness, thank God all was and is well!. Wow.

    1. The fall was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. I thank God it was all okay. Part 2 live tomorrow!

  4. see lil cutie...wow! its 2months already. Thank God.

    bring d story on....***i hate dat membrane sweep***mega uncomfortable.

    1. Tell me about it! I feel sorry for the nurses/midwives who have to do it lol! Not the nicest of jobs!

  5. Part two pls *grabs popcorn*
    Ur little one is the cutest...OMG

  6. Thank you so so so much for sharing! I have been on the look out for someone to share their experience and I am looking forward to reading the rest of it. I have the beautiful picture of your daughter and I am glad it was fine at the end of it all. Once again, thank you!

  7. Name sake, Ada gi is very cute this brings back memories ...I have to come back after work for part 2 and 3


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