"" From Now Till 'I Do'...: Weekend Wedding Love: Joy, laughter + Plan B

Weekend Wedding Love: Joy, laughter + Plan B

joy - jide alakija

When all is said and done, I know that on the day there will be some things that won’t go 100% to plan but we’ve made the decision to just enjoy ourselves regardless and laugh about it later!

In the grand scheme of things will it really affect our marriage if one particular aspect of the wedding is not perfect?


What is marriage anyway?

Marriage is about joy…

Marriage is about laughter…

Marriage is about sharing…

Marriage is about caring…

Marriage is about commitment…

Marriage is about love…

‘Clothe thyself with love, which binds us all in perfect harmony’ - Colossians 3:14

Have a great weekend!

Photo {Jide Alakija}



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