"" From Now Till 'I Do'...: Living wisely

Living wisely

So often I do unwise things with a complete disregard for the future.

Like that extra snickers, I want it NOW, so I have it now but don't think about that time sometime in the future when my clothes won't fit and then I hate myself for it, wishing I never had it. Or the time when I was at university, I opened three student bank accounts to get the free gifts and ended up having three overdrafts, two of which I am still paying back today in some way or another {'fun' at the time - but so stupid when I think about it now. Don't do it!}

Psalm 90:12 tells us to use our time wisely as life is short. Yes we may live to 70/80, we may even live to over 100 but that it nothing compared to eternity. Wisdom helps us to number our days.

Remember back in school when you sat your exams. Your teacher would always tell you to use your time wisely. Meaning don't lose focus, get distracted or spend too long on certain questions, but spend the most time on the things that matter.

I can waste so much time on things that don't matter, petty things like worrying about what others think, materialism, stressing about things I can't change etc. When I should be focusing on the here and now and what I can do to make an impact TODAY.

Lord, help me to make every day count. Let me live it, like it's my last and to make use of every moment I have.

Help me to live wisely.

What poor choices have you made in life, that on reflection you wish you hadn't?

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